Welcome Back!

03/21/23, 10:59 AM
Ahoy and Welcome Back!

First off, thank you to all our customers for their prompt attention to the slip deposits and contracts in December. We were able to get a good jump on slip assignments for 2023. I'm happy to report we have another full house for this season with several on a waiting list.

The staff are hard at it preparing for the season. Stocking shelves, completing training sessions and working on projects to keep the Marina in top shape.

We are looking forward to a busy season and to seeing ya'll very soon.

More tidbits below...read on!
Third-Party Support
Wiarton Marina has always prided itself in being a full service Marina. And we still are. From onsite fiberglass repairs, rigging, electrics, mechanical and general service we still have those capabilities. All be it from our own staff or third-party support. Often, we find due to the complexity of new systems or specialty tool requirements we need to call on third party support. Although not a new concept, in these days of a challenging labour market it's a good go to resource. And we have many of them. Whether sending out a stern drive for a rebuild or calling on refrigeration support we will continue to support our customers and their boats in every way possible
As a valued customer we appreciate your business and continued support of the Marina and Yacht Club
Take care and be safe!

Jeff Signature
Jeff Hammill
Wiarton Marina LTD.

Wiarton Marina Ltd.

Box 1270, 827 Bayview St., Wiarton  ON N0H 2T0

Phone: 519-534-1301 - Fax: 1-855-568-9498

Mercury Yanmar Volvo Beta

