For our new customers (and the old forgetful ones! :)) we do have a process to launch the boat.
We require a 5-day window from the ready date (when you are ready to launch) to the required date (the date you want the boat in the water by)
Note: There are no owner present launches. Also, no same day launch and mast stepping.
There is a form to fill out. Separate forms for sail and power boats. The form can be found online under... >Services> Wiarton marina order forms. Please make sure you receive a reply back for the online form. Or, you can drop into the office and fill one out. If you are new we suggest filling one out at the store.
If you need your mast stepped we have two formats. We can do it all for you or you do an owner assist lift all day Monday or Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. These must be booked at the store.
Repairs, waxing and painting. As you can appreciate everyone is anxious to launch and we only have certain staff for these jobs. It's important to get your launch and work order in together as soon as you can.
We work backwards from required launch date to get the jobs done.