2023 Slip Contracts

10/20/22, 12:01 PM
Ahoy there!

Oh boy I love this time of year! ...3 Celsius, snow, pouring rain, boats that won't start, cold and soaked to the bone. 'Arr matey'... the joys of owning a Marina in Canada's north! It's tough work this time of year and the staff hunker down and get it done....cheers to them! Warmer days ahead!

We are working diligently to keep on schedule but with over 80 boats left to go I anticipate these dates sliding a bit. Please call ahead to see if your boat has been hauled.

More tidbits below...read on!
Boat Show Time!
Yes, we have our own TIBS! Toronto International Boat Show. Back, live and in person this winter. Start making your list. January 20-29th at Exhibition Place

It seems wherever you go in the world there is a boat show or industry event happening every month. If your fortunate enough to be able to travel to one here is this year's list
As a valued customer we appreciate your business and continued support of the Marina and Yacht Club
Take care and be safe!

Jeff Signature
Jeff Hammill
Wiarton Marina LTD.

Wiarton Marina Ltd.

Box 1270, 827 Bayview St., Wiarton  ON N0H 2T0

Phone: 519-534-1301 - Fax: 1-855-568-9498

Mercury Yanmar Volvo Beta

